Enable deeper & more advanced system integrations

Going beyond Webhooks & HTTP APIs

We have new technology, so lets put it to work!

Today's applications and systems demand more capable integrations - we need to support use cases we could have only imagined just a handful of years ago. Back then it was enough to operate over the pubilc Internet, sending a message to a partner over HTTP, waiting, and possibly getting a message in response.

But things have changed, and integrations are complex - the network is becoming a limiting factor, realizing inefficiencies brought from latency, spurious failures, bandwidth costs, authentication and authorization - just to name a few.

Rather than moving data around over a network for two sides of an integration to share, what if you moved code from one side to the other? This means applications run customer code as if it were a native part of their own codebase! Imagine all of the customizations that are possible when your code can defer to customer code in real-time...

This would have been impossible and impractical in the recent past - but thanks to next-generation technology, it's enabling a new future where integrations and extensions are infinitely more capable, and even more secure than what we use today. By leveraging the high-performance and inherent safety of WebAssembly, we can eliminate the risk of data exfiltration, run integrations at incredible speed and frequency, and unlock new ways of extending our products and platforms.

The future lies in a more innovative approach: running customer code locally, in-process within your application. Let's explore how a plugin system can revolutionize integrations by addressing these challenges head-on.

Seamless, In-Process Integration

By allowing customer code to run as if it were a native part of your own codebase, a plugin system facilitates seamless, in-process integrations. This means that instead of data having to travel over the network, with all the associated inefficiencies and potential security risks, integrations happen within the application itself. The immediate benefit is a drastic reduction in latency, as the need to send requests over the Internet and wait for responses is eliminated. Moreover, this approach allows for more complex interactions between the integrated systems, enabling use cases that were previously unattainable due to the limitations of network-based communication.

Enhanced Performance and Reliability

Integrations that run locally within your application can operate at much higher speeds and with greater reliability than those dependent on network communication. Without the unpredictability of network issues, such as intermittent downtime or congestion, integrations become more consistent and dependable. This reliability is critical for businesses that rely on real-time data exchange or whose operations cannot afford delays and disruptions.

Unlocking Advanced Customizations

A plugin system that supports running customer code in-process opens the door to an unprecedented level of customization. Customers can tailor the application to their specific needs, integrating deeply with their internal systems and workflows. This level of customization allows your platform to become more tightly integrated into your customers' operations, increasing its value and stickiness. By facilitating these deep integrations, you're not just offering a product but a platform that can adapt and evolve in response to your customers' changing needs.

Security and Data Privacy

One of the paramount concerns with any integration is security, particularly the risk of data exfiltration. Running code locally significantly mitigates these risks. WebAssembly, for instance, runs in a sandboxed environment, limiting the code's ability to access or modify the system outside of its designated parameters. This not only prevents data leaks but also ensures that the integrations can run at incredible speeds without compromising on security.

Streamlining Integration for Third Parties

One of the most significant benefits of adopting a plugin system that facilitates in-process code execution is the impact it has on integrators. Traditionally, third parties and integrators had to provision custom infrastructure specifically to handle Webhook requests from your system. This not only introduced additional costs and complexity but also created potential bottlenecks and security vulnerabilities. With a plugin system, however, the landscape changes dramatically.

Integrators can now develop and deploy plugins directly within your platform, eliminating the need for external servers or infrastructure dedicated to handling requests from your system. This direct integration approach simplifies the development process for third-party integrations, making it more accessible and less resource-intensive. It removes a significant barrier to entry for smaller developers or organizations that may not have the resources to dedicate to custom infrastructure, thereby expanding your ecosystem and increasing the number of potential integrations available on your platform.

Reduced Overhead and Increased Efficiency

By running integrations in-process, you're not just simplifying the architecture; you're also significantly reducing the overhead associated with managing external Webhook endpoints. This includes the costs of server maintenance, scaling to handle peak loads, and securing the endpoints against potential attacks. For integrators, this means they can focus their efforts on developing the functionality of their plugins, rather than worrying about the infrastructure needed to support them.

Moreover, this model promotes increased efficiency in the development cycle. Since plugins run within the same environment as your main application, integrators can leverage the same tools, libraries, and APIs you offer, leading to a more cohesive and integrated development experience. This tight integration not only speeds up the development process but also ensures that plugins can operate with higher performance and reliability, as they are designed specifically for your platform's architecture.

Enhancing Collaboration and Innovation

Eliminating the need for custom infrastructure to handle Webhook requests also fosters a more collaborative environment between your platform and third-party developers. With a more accessible and efficient development process, you encourage a broader range of developers to build integrations for your platform. This inclusivity can lead to a surge in innovation, as developers from various backgrounds and with different expertise contribute new ideas and functionalities through their plugins.

Additionally, this direct plugin model facilitates closer collaboration between your team and third-party developers. You can provide more direct support, engage in co-development opportunities, and even offer feedback loops that help improve the quality and security of the plugins developed. This collaborative approach not only enriches your platform's ecosystem but also builds a community of developers who are invested in the success of your product.

Integrating a plugin system that supports in-process code execution offers substantial benefits not only to your platform and its users but also to third-party integrators. By removing the need for custom infrastructure to handle Webhook requests, you simplify the integration process, reduce overhead, and open up your platform to a wider range of innovations. This approach not only enhances the functionality and appeal of your product but also establishes a more vibrant, collaborative, and innovative ecosystem around your platform.

Future-Proofing Your Platform

Adopting a plugin system that enables these advanced, in-process integrations positions your company at the forefront of technological innovation. It not only addresses the current limitations and challenges of network-based integrations but also future-proofs your platform. As the complexity of customer needs and the technological landscape continue to evolve, your platform remains flexible and capable of accommodating new requirements and opportunities.

Leverage next-gen technology

Use XTP’s powerful plugin execution engine to easily and securely run customer code, directly within your application. Let us handle the storage, validation, distribution and monitoring all while presenting a top-notch experience for plugin developers.

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